Everlight Chemical

Textilchemie Borodimos & Sons






Production Cities



9,621 Billion



Patents Granted

Everlight Chemical was founded in 1972 and listed on the Taiwanese stock exchange in 1988. The company focuses on the development of chemical synthesis technologies, which gradually became its core competence.

Everlight Chemical has positioned itself as a high-tech chemical company that contributes to the well-being of mankind. Its main business includes high-quality products with low energy consumption and low-emission high-tech chemicals.

In addition to dyes that are highly recognized worldwide, Everlight Chemical is very successful in the field of functional dyes. In addition, the major group supplies products for the optoelectronic industry and ink for inkjet printers (inkjet printers). Everlight Chemical also develops light stabilizers for plastics, coatings and cosmetics.
Furthermore, the company focuses on the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients.

In the field of electronic chemicals, Everlight Chemical has developed a variety of photoresists, photolithography applications, ultra-microanalysis and ultra-pure manufacturing technologies.

Everlight Chemical proactively responds to market needs by continually making breakthroughs in product and application technologies. To this end, Everlight Chemical has secured over 150 technological patents through 2017.

Everlights’ business policy is based on integrity and honesty. At the same time, the company trusts, respects, encourages and cares for each of its employees. Such a solid and ethical foundation ensures the continuous expansion of the company’s structures.


Industry Innovation Achievement Award

2009 & 2015

National Innovation Award


Top 100 Taiwan Brands Award


Taiwan Corporate Integrity Story Collection


1. Taiwan Hidden Champion Award


Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Report Award

Our Partnership


German textile and clothing companies form one of the most modern and efficient economic sectors in the country and the world.

As an official partner and Germany-wide sales representative, Textilchemie Borodimos & Sons GmbH & Co KG is entrusted with concluding business deals for the chemical giant.

The goal of the collaboration is to establish Everlight Chemical and its products in Germany and to gain popularity.